Tech Strategies LLC

Private Investment in Public Equities (PIPEs)
Types of Equity Investments (PIPEs)
Convertible Debenture Example
Equity Line of Credit
Structuring a PIPE Transaction for Your Company
Reverse Mergers
The Institutional Investors
Our Team
Contact Us


Tech Strategies, located in Needham, Massachusetts, specializes in developing financing strategies, restructuring alternatives, and increasing general market awareness for public companies. . We work with development stage companies, growth companies, and companies in transition.  We are  consultants to a number of  institutional investors who make "Private Investment in Public Equities" (PIPEs).  We also work with certain private companies to complete "Reverse Mergers" and help fund the merged entity. We  work with funds that finance company “roll ups” and management-sponsored buy-outs. We understand the intricacies of the capital markets and what it takes to build company visibility in the investment community. We like to work actively with our clients to build shareholder value for the long term.

Tech Strategies LLC

Phone: 781-444-8233 - a web thesaurus and lexicon listing under private investment, Financing and Corporate Development

Tech Strategies LLC 113 Country Way Needham, MA 02492 781-444-8233